The power that I experienced is really gigantic. Jesus saw visions all the time. Because Christ was fully God and fully man , the people of Israel saw only his human or visible form and did not die. In the same chapter (Exodus 33) where God said, “There shall no man see my face and live,” the Bible also says, “And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto a friend. In this testimony I will try to explain what I saw, during this Jesus vision. When a sinner realizes he is lost, and the only way to be saved — the only way for salvation is to come to God on His grounds and to repent (confess his sin of rejecting God’s Son). When I looked around, I saw light in the living room. I was like JESUS you are in my dreams, and I went to hold his hand for I felt like a kid to him. One of the world's largest refugee settlement camps in the world, it covers 250 square kilometers of the eastern half of the district of Yumbe, stretching southward from the South Sudanese … Seeing Jesus is truly the most beautiful experience anyone can ever have. Gosh I was thrilled.Seeing other children there, seeing them so happy and they have witness seeing the face of Jesus in me. A MAN who technically died twice after suffering a severe heart attack has shed light on the near-death experience that saw him encounter Jesus Christ in the afterlife. He saw Jesus, heaven and hell. It must be kept in mind, really, what Jacob was seeing was not the face of God in all of His splendor, but really a display of the power of God as he wrestled with Him. I was walking on water with him. When I first saw my sponsor in mexico, is like going to see Jesus in his hometown. For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I have been known. Devotions to the Holy Face … So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared." If you want to learn more about how you can have life changing encounters with Jesus, then sign up for free to the emails of GOD IS REAL. His book is an evangelistic one that can lead people to salvation from sin, witchcraft, occultism, esoteric, Satanism and many kinds of evil. I could not see anyone’s face. I was running up behind him on the water and I saw his back and hair and his white robe, as I was coming to the side of him I saw his whole face also, and his beard. In Genesis 32:30, Jacob said, “…I have seen God face to face,” and yet in John 1: 18, “No man hath seen God at any time.” Again, Jesus says in John 14:7, 9, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him … he that hath seen me hath seen the Father….” How then do we reconcile “seeing the face of God?”. I have met Him by faith. His heart is burning for the lost. This encounter with Jesus was very intense, but not because of what I saw …. So here again this has to be dealing with a spiritual seeing of the face of God, and it is not contradictory.”, Moses certainly was in God’s presence, just as he was in His presence when he walked up on Mt. He shouted “Jesus Christ!” He’d seen Him in black velvet, But had never seen him iced. Jesus Christ is so glorious, mighty, wonderful, radiant, pure, royal. One common theme in scripture in regards to seeking God is that He loves to be pursued with the reward of being found (look up Prov. Jesus intends for each one of us to enjoy a face to face relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Jesus longs to bring you near to Him, more than realize. Jesus, I love You!” When I saw his face I knew it was him and began to leap in my seat with excitement. In this moment I am asking you to forgive me of every sin that I have ever committed in my life. Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me. I believe in God and is his son Jesus Christ. Meeting Jesus Face to Face . Seeing Jesus is incredible. Know that God Wants You to See His Face. Then in a very real way that sinner comes face to face with God, though never really seeing His face. I did not see in them the face of Christ. Ana Werner did this and then saw Jesus' face appear to her. He is the almighty King of heaven and earth. 0:11 / 9:03. I saw his face and the look he gave me is what continues to stir my soul. Jesus I believe you are Lord and you died on the cross to cleanse me of my sins, and I believe you rose again on the third day. The image of Jesus painted by the "young Lithuanian girl" in the film 'Heaven is for Real' has been revealed. Four doctoral dissertations have analyzed his contribution to religious education and evangelism. VISION: I saw a flash vision of Jesus's shining face!He was SO gloriously happy and hugging someone. But of course none of these pictures come even close to the incredible beauty and power of who Jesus Christ really is. David's desire is that people would learn how to experience God as the most beautiful reality there is. It was Jesus! The Spirit of God took me in waves of seeing more and more of Jesus. What I know now is only partial; then it will be complete--as complete as God's knowledge of me. It is the attitude of every heart in heaven. And how He extends His dominion over the whole earth. I saw Jesus in a dream as well. And we’ll see Him in the place He made for us and for which we were made. Not only from reading about Him in the Bible but also from personal encounters with Him, through an intimate relationship. Everything inside of me wanted to see more of Him, understand more of Him and especially love Him intensely. 'Suddenly I Saw Eyes': Jesus’ Face Discovered in Ancient Israeli Desert Church Very little early Christian art has survived the centuries in the Holy Land – but then an Israeli art historian looked at the apse of a ruined Byzantine church in Shivta, and saw Jesus’ face and short curly hair The image obtained from the Shroud of Turin is associated with a specific medal worn by some Roman Catholics and is also one of the Catholic devotions to Christ. Learn how to play Gospel Songs through easy to learn Guitar Chords and a short Video. My window was down and I wanted to jump out of it to get to him! Occasionally it was as if I could not bear it. It was Jesus! Like I said, the most impressive of this vision is not what I saw, but the intensity of what I felt coming forth from Jesus Christ. JESUS has revealed Himself to her. Although he did not see God, he saw the effects (the burning bush) and knew the relationship of God, as God said, “Take off your shoes, you are on holy ground.” So, here is an instance of God supposedly meeting someone “face to face.”. Their heart is just all honor for Jesus, even if they do not say anything. He came closer and stretched his hands gently towards my head. There was suppose to be an elderly man sitting there, but instead it was the Lord. As the highest authority I saw Him, high above heaven and earth, high above all that exists, I saw Him, the Lamb of God, the King who reigns and expands His kingdom, through everything, with an unspeakable power. Jul 8, 2018 - God Showed This Skeptic His Son's Face Back in the 70s. Amazing if true. I thought for a moment, than ate it because I was hungry. For example, in 1820 Joseph Smith claimed to have seen Jesus, and the result was Mormonism. While I saw Him as the supreme King, a tremendous power of God flowed through me, causing my whole body to shake violently. I saw people standing there,staring at his bright glooming feature,which was so big that the whole sky was just him. I know that one day more than twenty five years ago, I saw JESUS the Messiah. When He said that, I broke … my deepest inner self cried so deeply with these words. New Living Translation Jacob named the place Peniel (which means “face of God”), for he said, “I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared.” English Standard Version Certainly, no man has seen the face of God. Jesus had his hands out in front, showing the holes in his hands. So, what does this all mean? 0:00. Jul 8, 2018 - God Showed This Skeptic His Son's Face Back in the 70s. Watch on. Then you will take time to worship Him with all your heart. Love is what you see in the heart. 8:17; Deut. Jacob was wrestling with God spiritually, as well as physically. Seeing Jesus is the most wonderful thing you can experience. During the next hours, even as I went through the motions of going to class, I attempted to understand what had happened to me. He only did what He saw His Father doing (Jn. Not sure how you saw Jesus' face but if it was by walking away, perhaps He is beckoning you to follow Him? Love is what you see in the heart. Her testimony is solid evidence that the Truth is in her. Ron Hamilton Chords - I Saw Jesus in You Lyrics & Chords.When I enter heaven's glory And I see my Saviour's face Tabs and Lesson. He emits a tremendous power and authority. When I closed my eyes, Jesus was there! I was sitting outside, late at around 10pm, I was visiting a friend, I looked at the stars and the moon and saw some clouds, I kept looking at a certain set of clouds for some reason, about 2 minutes later the clouds formed into a shape. I told Him, ‘I really want to be Your friend. After His resurrection, Jesus was also seen by His disciples, Mary Magdalene, and over five hundred other people (1 … I did not only see Jesus externally, but I SAW HIS BEING. For example the prophet Isaiah saw the Lord in His majesty: ‘I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.’ (Isaiah 6:1). Gods message through your ministry has moved and changed my life to understand the goodness and the love God has for us.’ – Herman. Towns has given theological lectures and taught intensive seminars at over 50 theological seminaries in America and abroad. Both in the old and the new testament there are many examples of people seeing Jesus in His glory and majesty. There is freedom in heaven to worship with all your heart and all your might, so you can express the fulness of your love for God. His inner being, radiating as the sun, brighter and more powerful than anything I have ever seen. At certain moments I felt that His appearance became less pronounced and then I prayed ‘Holy Spirit, show me Jesus’ and then He I saw Him crystal clear again and He overwhelmed me with a new dimension of Himself. I have not yet met Jesus face to face. Uncountable. And we’ll see Him in the place He made for us and for which we were made. He decided to spend the rest of his life showing others show real God is and how much he loves us. Good News Translation What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror; then we shall see face-to-face. I am inserting a drawing of an angel that I made a while ago. As a matter of fact, Jesus spoke more frequently of His return than His death. I really want to be there for you.’. In these emails you will learn more about seeing Jesus Christ, experiencing God with all your heart and becoming His very best friend. It will be coming face-to-face with our Savior. She asked the whole world to look for Jesus' face there, too. In Genesis 32:30, Jacob said, “…I have seen God face to face,” and yet in John 1: 18, “No man hath seen God at any time.” Again, Jesus says in John 14:7, 9, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him … Besides seeing Jesus I also saw countless angels that stood around Him, like his friends and companions. Let nothing stop you from encountering Him on a regular basis. The very next day I finished reading My Trip to Heaven as well. Jesus, I have made the decision to hand over my life to you. I just hope they can show you a glimpse of what I saw. I'm sure in most of your minds the name of Jesus is foremost. Her boldness is an encouragement to me and to all saints who want to testify about JESUS CHRIST before mankind. Yet, I only saw them as the homeless man who slept through the Mass, and as Jane and Joe who stayed out in the cold of winter waiting for alms. Life after death: Man claims to meet JESUS in afterlife, declaring God DOES exist A MAN who died twice after a severe heart attack believes he saw Jesus Christ in the afterlife. So, certainly, when God had dealt with him through this wrestling match, if you will, and when God had not only crippled him, but also healed him, this is when Jacob said, “I have seen God face to face.” It did not mean that he had literally looked into his face, but that he had met with Him in a very personal way. When I saw his face I knew it was him and began to leap in my seat with excitement. Various acheiropoieta items relating to Christ have been reported throughout the centuries, and devotions to the face of Jesus have been practiced. I stood there, very much afraid of him, saw his expression in his face, his face was shining like a beaming star with bright millions of varying lights. You are very special to Him and God loves you with all His heart. I know you. Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell among them... and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes." So real. There is a time in a believer’s life when he meets God face to face. It is normal. In this testimony I will try to explain what I saw, during this Jesus vision. The sheer beauty of Jesus is so dazzling. Now, what is meant by Genesis 32:30 when Jacob said, “I have seen the face of God?” We know that in John 1:18, Jesus refers to what God told Moses here in Exodus, that no man has seen the face of God; and yet, there are other passages in the Word of God that mention someone seeing God. I'm not trying to lead anybody to believe anything, except that I had this happen to me alone (well, actually it was not really alone but it started out at a busy stop light). This movie presents the life and work of Mother Teresa with words and pictures that even the youngest child will enjoy. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.” (Acts 9:3-5). I felt strange … the normal, daily life stared at me from our living room. She said that she saw the face of Jesus in the face of each sick and dying person she helped. 33:3; Matt. In Genesis 32:30, Jacob said, “…I have seen God face to face,” and yet in John 1: 18, “No man hath seen God at any time.” Again, Jesus says in John 14:7, 9, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him … This is not only for me or a few ‘special’ people. We need Jesus as our redeemer too; Solomon's book is a prophetic one that challenges us and gives us insight into God's plans. If you long to see more testimonies from people wo had personal encounters with Jesus, then go to the post ‘Is Jesus real?‘ Here you find several videos with real life documentaries from people who saw Jesus Christ and were changed forever. The Holy Face of Jesus is a title for specific images which some Catholics believe to be miraculously-formed representations of the face of Jesus Christ.The image obtained from the Shroud of Turin is associated with a specific medal worn by some Roman Catholics and is also one of the Catholic devotions to Christ. I never saw Jesus face. Jul 8, 2018 - God Showed This Skeptic His Son's Face Back in the 70s .. David Sorensen had a dramatic encounter with God, which completely transformed his life. RHEMA 10/04/10 I SAW JESUS FACE RADIATING WITH JOY . The concept of "building the kingdom of God" gets clearer when the values of consecrated persons, witnesses and promoters of the kingdom shine out in their apostolate in the service of the new poor and rejects — street children, refugees and victims of trafficking in persons — the suffering face of Jesus … So real. This is something that we need to take in its full context through the Word of God. 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