�[�j�� This year the diocese hopes to bring you on a journey by using the Stations of the Cross and the voices of those who have been most affected by COVID 19 and those who are on the front-line of the pandemic. First Station: Jesus Is Condemned to Death V. We adore you, Christ, and we praise you. Please adhere to current Covid-19 recommendations for your area in the delivery of the Stations of the Cross. Leader: We have gathered together to celebrate the passion and death of Jesus in the Way of the Cross according to Luke. During Pandemic of COVID-19, 2021 (Coronavirus) By Maribeth Hopps . Because on this dark day, when he carries the cross, Jesus bears it for us, for the least and the lost And he takes to the Father this sad, hurting world and its pain he redeems, by his stripes we are healed. … This Stations of the Cross takes us on a prayerful journey of transformation in solidarity with people living in poverty around the world. 236 0 obj <>stream Stations of the Cross Preparatory Prayer (to be said kneeling before the altar) My Lord, Jesus Christ, You have made this journey to die for me with unspeakable love and I have so many times ungratefully abandoned You. 2021 Stations of the Cross. I will love you all my life. Betrayed by a kiss. Guide: Stations of the Cross (PDF) Includes script, song lyrics and areas for personal reflection; Spanish Script: Estaciones de la Cruz (PDF) List of Songs Used (PDF) List of Lyrics Used (PDF) In this online format, the 2021 Stations of the Cross online kit can be used for personal reflection as well as within ministry programs, either in an in-person or online setting. endstream endobj 191 0 obj <>/Metadata 6 0 R/Pages 188 0 R/StructTreeRoot 10 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 209 0 R>> endobj 192 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 841.92]/Parent 188 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 193 0 obj <>stream Download Stations of the Cross PDF. ��_����H� Give us this day our daily bread. Know that the directions might challenge you. STATIONS OF THE CROSS . please feel free to be seated during The Stations of the Cross. %%EOF `� y�A z�g+j&���� �?�ۊ��ܷ]�qG��fNK"A�5��V6���!5�j���N�뎾dk���ţ�殺 ��86��vͽ�֌@-E۾s��5B���g^R���s�g���ED�ho6[�A��-�Qj]���/"f��^Z�`�c� ǭ���n�օ�G����hF�fDF�ȶ%�����qI�L*���f��Ĝ�9�*^ ��RVT;������?Lk�f��]9}y��i��� �R�g�0`|��r��=t޿^!��^K�Y�Q����I�2G�y��Yk�5-2^k/�m�Q��R=O�]ܬm�T�3�~��t��vG�ҏ7?���6��F{���9�0�K�8���W:A�����c�g����N���\�.7c�SJ9q�!J�K�э�z_r�|]���S��m�P�W�R��`���ӭ*��>��˒�f�n)�ԱP�f3�7�����'�"Q}�jn�x{�źb�� Act of Contrition: My Lord Jesus Christ, You have made this journey to die for me with love unutterable, and I have so many times unworthily abandoned You; but now I love You with my whole heart, and because I love You I repent sincerely for ever having offended You. Download. Pedro Arrupe S.J. Ghost Ranch – Way of the Cross and the Earth – Lent 2021. �gW{ Let us begin …. ABOUT US. We continue our way of the Cross with Stations 10, 11 and 12. Stations of the Cross Opening Prayer: Welcome. -E��ȇ�/��j8x{;\�*A�����p@�H)Tq���'K���GӲ)�|��}�0|���n������߇��Ƃ���� Stations of the Cross Lent 2021 18 February 2021. II - JESUS TAKES UP HIS CROSS Reflection: Fr. h�b```f``�����p��eX����� �3��}�h�Ѡ��CP���D���2���T2d��������fYt�~��Cn��:X�8i&��ps8��M�� �@) THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS (STAND) In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Stations of the Cross Every Friday of Lent at 7pm via Facebook . General Instructions from Claudio . We just need more $525 to be able to purchase a bigger website hosting plan in order to serve you better. Opening Song Introduction (Sign of the Cross) Leader: On a cold barren hillside nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the son of God faced the end of His mortal life. The Way of the Cross Opening Devotions In the Name of our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. The Stations of the Cross, also known as the way of the cross, it a beautiful meditation to honour the passion of Christ. Bishop Denis leads us through the first three Stations of the Cross with help from a member of An Garda Síochána, a couple who contracted the virus and a student who missed out on having to sit her leaving cert. Stations of the Cross pdf. So many times I have sinned, but I repent sincerely because I love you. Where Did the Stations of the Cross Come From? The devotion originated with pilgrims in Jerusalem retracing the traditional steps Jesus is believed to have followed on Good Friday. ALL: Lord Jesus, we offer our prayers to you today for our world, our country, our state and our local community. Then he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and he began to be saddened and exceedingly troubled. Video will be available from 6.00pm on Friday. �bGdˎ�i�bfv�[%�Qj���Q�?_T!��ƒ>d����Ԇ���3�*�� Via Zoom: Contact Darlene Maurer for details, dmaurer@themadeleine.edu. endstream endobj 194 0 obj <>stream The following originally appeared in the NCCB’s Committee on the Liturgy NEWSLETTER, Volume XXVII, November/December, 1991. This week Bishop Denis is helped by a grandmother separated from her family, a teacher who had to adapt to online teaching and a man who lost both parents to COVID 19. We are indignant that Do not miss this opportunity to join the list of our special donors being prayed for in our daily masses. Please check back here every Friday during Lent for the latest Stations of the Cross. He went … Sunday June28.pdf. The Stations of the Cross (also called the Way of the Cross) is a traditional liturgical devotion commemorating the last day of Jesus’ life. uo|������ K�����F��6ZƐ�!+�1�-[��m�R��d���+��l�Mz��o|ѿ�M��)l�a���~K��|�C|j��%�6,ro�?䬫�F�:_����Ǘ��K�R��\_�P�di� ��v�B���x�^�B�M���:�z��s��zI�/�a3���\ �U�=�P}j��y7{|s2�|n~����y`���tѫ��Ee��7Q����{L����D��0�hJ�װ�dC OLN�0��B]~$�0��)t�IIY� �R���1�;r��P��Wu�I]ꂫ� ��>��\�'�(c �L8���(�}�s��{�{�7���(R�m��i�r���dJ�ɐ�1��Ë�&c1v��d����;G STATIONS OF THE CROSS March 5 & March 26 Invocation prior to each station: LEADER: We adore you, O Christ and we bless you RESPONSE: Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world. FIRST STATION: JESUS IS CONDEMNED TO DEATH Christ, our Brother, we know that you were unjustly condemned to die for our sins. Stations of the Cross 03 February 2021 | Spiritual Reflection and Resources. � ���[�� endstream endobj startxref oJ'��h/�&����q�r�Z Amen . 2��Y�����꼝OG�����Mۍ�;6��h8�P}�����q�Tߺw�ݠk���P[g'Bm�刓�]3�:�:����v_�ժ:L�7����tޔ�#�����~.HW��qwz:�VYI� �j$�H��5X.i��O���ࡩN��/..~��ϳ6�ߖw)���w'�{|��>��I)o���0��%ܑg6k��dV��O�8>�9%r�0I����J�q>�d�ϵ�r�$�kUc}ր*d�q1Ȟx9u���`���3����T8��u^��k�ߚ����.�1s��D�U~��c˽�%ނ?.%3'(�4�e��+��@���^��t\��&�v|_ݶ��]>_��yw�e0[�~��Yx��}�C9ٗ������|� ܜ�e����y,�?M$���$�D:�%��y�Z����h���?�eP,�UXn�{�s���:n",�Z0��`��;p/ܑKV7��1;[���2�c���@�"���k���y���Κ��=�{�Y���� =�`o���ޭ�C��))��_��Ⓗ K�O�G놈}�����C�e�r� ?v�E�\�k4�2@�7�R�m��������d�"P(����/M-��B+\�6��" was so “struck and shocked by the plight” of the Vietnamese boat people in the wake of the Vietnam War that he was moved to found Jesuit Refugee Service. This year the diocese hopes to bring you on a journey by using the Stations of the Cross and the voices of those who have been most affected by COVID 19 and those who are on the front-line of the pandemic. Subscribe to TECFV on YouTube. IN-PERSON LIVESTREAM. 190 0 obj <> endobj Click Stations of the cross to download. Please check back here every Friday during Lent for the latest Stations of the Cross. But now I love You with all my heart and, because I love You, I am sincerely sorry for ever having offended You. : Jesus came with his disciples to a country place called Gethsemani, and he said to them, "Sit down here, while I go over yonder and pray." The Stations of the Cross Walk alongside Christ on the journey of his Passion and remember our brothers and sisters both around the world and in our own cities who experience suffering and poverty each day. God bless you! Later, for the many who wanted to pass along the same route, but could not make the trip to Jerusalem, a practice developed that eventually took the form of the fourteen stations currently found in almost every church. Bishop Denis continues to lead us on the Way of the Cross with help from a child, and his family, still waiting to receive his First Holy Communion, a Hospital Chaplain and a business owner who has been affected with the closure of her business during this pandemic period. They are a wonderful devotion for us to practice on Fridays, the day of our Lord’s crucifixion, and also during Holy Week. Carole Danby steps us through Jesus’ brutal last day at Marian Valley. Common . 0 Throughout our time together this Lenten Season, you will be sent rituals each week to follow. 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Use these Stations of the Cross to accompany Jesus on his journey, as we watch and pray over displaced people around the world. �� ���9Fcd����.p.O܄�q�D�&2�W� ���Û5)�8L���nH�� I love to pray the Stations of the Cross. book_of_common_prayer.pdf. The Stations of the Cross began as the practice of pious pilgrims to Jerusalem who would retrace the final journey of Jesus Christ to Calvary. Furthering the Reign of God, Where All Are Welcome • March 20–21, 2021. STATIONS OF THE CROSS 2021 “Dark clouds over a closed world” The eruption of the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed our false securities by showing a certain "inability to work together" (FT 7) in failing to realise that we are “all in the same boat, where one person's problems are the problems of all" (FT 32). the cross, where the stations are geographically located, is named “Via Dolorosa” (Way of Sadness). Jesus journey to the cross has vivid echoes and resonances for us in this time of Pandemic – Jesus does not abandon us, but walks with us. Stations of the Cross Lent 2021 St Thomas More Church CCLI License 20491229 OneLicense A-732397 . We continue our Way of the Cross, led by Bishop Denis, with help from a couple who had a baby during the pandemic, a heath care assistant in a nursing home and a consultant working on the frontline in a hospital. Three new Stations will be uploaded every Friday at 3pm both in video format and downloadable PDFs. The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on Earth as a man. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit … Amen Let us pray: ALL: God of power and mercy, in love you sent your Son that we might be cleansed of sin and live joyfully with you forever. All: Amen. The cross – an agonising burden, no place to grip hold, the wood rough and jagged. Pardon me, my God. We are about to walk these same steps to Calvary with Jesus. /M�w�:�:�{���1�m��I������I��1ɇ4&�7�wW��j�pu~+��rW7��B"��̃^��(.�)�U��gL��> a�� �_�T�bvG�W�?Y�L~�j�i��r.�Y�/>��������&�B����b���m��j\ Ub��,NtE��TW�ml�,NyE�h�`��V�"X~�1M,b�jS�h�b-�B�´O 3��ķ�����^So�PvT���-��|�\I=S��r%�'��y���+t�u�� ��� Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy upon us. The stations are commonly used as a mini pilgrimage as the individual moves from station to station. H��WKo�F���#YXk�r�$� �8i���@A�L=�JRv��;3KҊD֩��K�r���� \~�ׯ/o�>����x�� Stations of the Cross – Updated for 2021 The Stations of the Cross also called The Way of the Cross, consist of prayers and meditations commemoration the Passion and death of Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Join us as we conclude our Way of the Cross, led by Bishop Denis and this week with help from a postman and a funeral director. The Stations of the Cross or the Way of the Cross, also known as the Way of Sorrows or the Via Crucis, refers to a series of images depicting Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers.The stations grew out of imitations of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem which is believed to be the actual path Jesus walked to Mount Calvary. I – Jesus is Condemned to Death . The Way of the Cross According to LUKE Introductory Prayer Leader: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Wait here and watch with me." Stations Of The Cross March 16, 2021 6:30 PM We will be meeting in the church this evening Social distancing and masks required. Doesn’t every life have suffering, falls, hurts, reaction, condemnation, death, burial … and resurrection? When we pray the Stations, the Way of the Cross, we accompany Jesus as He takes the final steps of His earthly journey, the steps that lead to Calvary. And along the way he meets those who offer moments of soothing and generous relief in the midst of agony and distress. Stations of the Cross: Lent 2021 Meditate on Christ’s journey to the cross, following themes of justice, poverty, mercy, friendship and hope. Reflection: Over 80 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide. The Stations of the Cross are an adored devotion, especially for Lent or Good Friday. Amen. 208 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<45D4A54CDD20804FAB46EA60603452F4>]/Index[190 47]/Info 189 0 R/Length 96/Prev 260156/Root 191 0 R/Size 237/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Use these Stations of the Cross to accompany Jesus on his journey, as we watch and pray over displaced people around the world. Lenten Faith Sharing Groups —Sundays, Feb. 21–March 21, 4:00 pm . ���n5ܡ�lkG�!�H$\� ��>A�f�����H����k�:��� This virtual prayer walk provides an opportunity to pause, ponder, and pray while you reflect on Christ’s journey and your own journey during this time of isolation and suffering. Denied three times over by a beloved disciple. The Stations of the Cross experience has great significance for the Lenten and Holy Week season of 2021. x�}�Mn�0�����v�m��!%���菚� &)Rc�C�}��'��7c�a�Yml݉��5�:��m��Ԝ]IbG��r*����oy,� ���˩����`>��. pdf: Download File. Amen. Kildare & Leighlin Diocese, Bishop’s House, Carlow. X;�4 �Ia��h0p�3�nL����m����EL�㖔�6�D�J9 ���=3�U��Z�����mKD��6���q�� G�ӊ��2Z=x�sQ��5k'd���챥f�*"��*�뭁ye�"qMW_�����!�%��ĄW��M���ɠ���"�#��2J Stations of the Cross Human Trafficking: March 25, 6:30 pm . %PDF-1.7 %���� Trócaire staff are also available to guide your group through this resource in whatever way is safest for all taking part and in line with government guidelines. Stations of the Cross. Good Friday 4-2-2021 . Foreword Is not the Way of the Cross the way of every person’s life? There are fourteen stations each representing an event which occurred during Jesus’ Passion and death at … All Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. endstream endobj 195 0 obj <>stream Fr. Stations of the Cross – When, Where & Why Lent is a time for reflections, renewal of covenant, and revival of spirit (When & Where) This year we will have the opportunity to publically profess our faith by walking and praying the Stations of the Cross near the beginning of Lent. Special "Thanks" to all those who are happy with all our sacrifices and have donated. For those who prefer not to meet in person, please join meeting via zoom. We can be so wrapped up in our own lives that we turn our backs on the problems of others rather than get involved. h�bbd```b``:"���+@$�mɮ�"�~�E�j�l=��)��L6�E��$��� ��� ��w@�_�~&��� q��������� � Owc STATIONS OF THE CROSS OPENING PRAYER STAND Pr. Imagine the fear, anxiety and pain that Jesus must have felt. Devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ 's last day at Marian Valley – Lent 2021 Thomas! Not the Way of the Cross, where all are Welcome • March,! For those who prefer not to meet in person, please join meeting zoom..., Feb. 21–March 21, 4:00 pm 80 million people are forcibly worldwide... 2021 St Thomas More Church CCLI License 20491229 OneLicense A-732397 please join via... Of the Cross and the two sons of Zebedee, and he began be..., falls, hurts, reaction, condemnation, death, burial … and resurrection wood and. Friday at 3pm both in video format and downloadable PDFs about to walk these same steps to Calvary with.... 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