Although he was killed in action, his armies successfully defeated their enemies and gave birth to the Swedish Empire after proving their ability in combat. Votes: 2,903 | Gross: $0.25M Steinberg, ‘The Thirty Years War: A New Interpretation', History , xxxii (1947), 89–102; The ‘Thirty Years War' and the Conflict for European Hegemony 1600–1660 (London, 1966). The military reforms—among which tight discipline was one of the prevailing principles—brought the Swedish military to the highest levels of military readiness and were to become the standard that European states would strive for. The Thirty Years' War, a series of wars fought by European nations for various reasons, ignited in 1618 over an attempt by the king of Bohemia (the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II) … After the Bohemian Revolt was suppressed by Ferdinand II, the Danish king, Christian IV, fearing that recent Catholic successes threatened his sovereignty as a Protestant nation, led troops against Ferdinand. The war has a … The battle enabled Sweden to occupy Saxony and impressed on Ferdinand III the need to include Sweden, and not only France, in any peace negotiations. This threw them on the countryside for their supplies, and thus began the “wolf-strategy” that typified this war. Analyze the reasons for Denmark getting involved in the war. Since 1526, the Kingdom of Bohemia had been governed by Habsburg kings who did not force their Catholic religion on their largely Protestant subjects. Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister of King Louis XIII of France, considered the Habsburgs too powerful because they held a number of territories on France’s eastern border, including portions of the Netherlands. Part of a lecture series given on board the Windstar Cruises yachts, Star Pride and Wind Surf, in the summer of 2017. This started re-Catholicization of the Czech lands, but also triggered the Thirty Years’ War, which spread to the rest of Europe and devastated vast areas of central Europe, including the Czech lands. Sweden received Western Pomerania, Wismar, and the Prince-Bishoprics of Bremen and Verden as hereditary fiefs, thus gaining a seat and vote in the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire. When Arras fell, the way was opened for the French to take all of Flanders. Director: James Clavell | Stars: Michael Caine, Omar Sharif, Florinda Bolkan, Nigel Davenport. in the Holy Roman Empire. The Thirty Years War, a multifaceted and multinational political and military conflict that raged over central Europe between 1618 and 1648 has often been considered, at least in the scope of misery and destruction it brought to those experiencing it, as a disaster comparable to, if not greater than, the two world wars and the Black Death. Although the struggles that created it erupted some years earlier, the war is conventionally held to have begun in 1618, when the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II, in his role as king of Bohemia, attempted to impose Roman Catholic absolutism on his domains, and the Protestant nobles of both Bohemia and Austria rose up in rebellion. Series New York Review Books classics. Almost four centuries on, the Thirty Years’ War teaches us how protracted conflict can bring about famine and spell disaster for … The Austrian domain was thus a major European power in its own right, ruling over some eight million subjects. Negotiations concluded with the Treaty of Lübeck in 1629, which stated that Christian IV could retain control over Denmark (including the duchies of Sleswick and Holstein) if he would abandon his support for the Protestant German states. As a result of this seizure and the money that the crown gained, the crown was greatly empowered. Enumerated in the Edict of Restitution (1629), these possessions included two archbishoprics, sixteen bishoprics, and hundreds of monasteries. The Protestant rebellion had been crushed. The Spanish army was repulsed by Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar. Without heirs, Emperor Matthias sought to assure an orderly transition during his lifetime by having his dynastic heir (the fiercely Catholic Ferdinand of Styria, later Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor) elected to the separate royal thrones of Bohemia and Hungary. This period, known as the Thirty Years’ War, began with a religious dispute. The Swedish intervention in the Thirty Years’ War, which took place between 1630 and 1635, was a major turning point of the war, often considered to be an independent conflict. For instance, in 1621, Hamburg had been forced to accept Danish sovereignty. The conflict now became a wider European war, fought mainly over political issues, as Catholic France and Protestant Sweden joined forces against the Catholic Hapsburgs. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) 2. France, though Roman Catholic, was a rival of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain because they considered the Habsburgs too powerful since they held a number of territories on France’s eastern border. The social and economic impact of the Thirty Years War varied throughout Europe. Scotland and the Thirty Years' War deals with the complicated involvement of the kingdom of Scotland in the Thirty Years' War of 1618–1648. Wallenstein and Gustavus Adolphus clashed in the Battle of Lützen (1632), where the Swedes prevailed, but Gustavus Adolphus was killed. Defenestration of Prague: A later woodcut of the Defenestration of Prague in 1618, which triggered the Thirty Years’ War. Fighting continued between France and Spain until the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659. Just two years after the Defenestration of Prague, Ferdinand and the Catholics regained power in the Battle of White Mountain on November 8, 1620. Soon afterward, the Bohemian conflict spread through all of the Bohemian Crown, including Bohemia, Silesia, Upper and Lower Lusatia, and Moravia. 1618-1648 & 1733-1763. However, other Protestants supported the stance taken by the Catholics, and in 1617 Ferdinand was duly elected by the Bohemian Estates to become the Crown Prince and, automatically upon the death of Matthias, the next King of Bohemia. Ferdinand was upset by this calculated insult, but his intolerant policies in his own lands had left him in a weak position. In addition, the Swedish army took 5,000 prisoners and seized forty-six guns, at a cost to themselves of 4,000 killed or wounded. The Holy Roman Empire in 1648: After the Peace of Westphalia, each prince of a given Imperial State would have the right to determine the religion of his own state, the options being Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism. This affirmed the principle of. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Originally published: London : J. Cape, 1938. Rulers of the 224 German states could choose the religion (Lutheranism or Catholicism) of their realms according to their consciences, and compel their subjects to follow that faith (the principle of cuius regio, eius religio). The Thirty Years War is the series of conflicts between Catholics and Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire and its surroundings, between 1618 and 1648. Meanwhile the conflict widened, fueled by political ambitions of the various powers. It is notorious for the number of casualties the war produced on the side of the civilians as well as the destruction of the area on which the war was conducted (which is now Germany).. With the exception of England's short cameo, pretty much everyone had a prominent role to play RELEASED? Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The tide of the war turned clearly toward France and against Spain in 1640, starting with the siege and capture of the fort at Arras. That is a phrase that is usually used to describe many conflicts in the 17th century, but it has become adapted to describe what brings together the war of 1914 – 1918, on the one side, and the war of 1939 – 1945, on the other. The Thirty Years’ War was a series of wars between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire between 1618 and 1648. Notably, one of the reasons that Sweden had so readily embraced it was because converting to Lutheranism allowed the crown to seize all the lands in Sweden that were possessed by the Roman Catholic Church. Wallenstein feared losing his northern German gains to a Danish-Swedish alliance, while Christian IV had suffered another defeat in the Battle of Wolgast (1628); both were ready to negotiate. The Thirty Years War (London, 1984), xv, makes the opposite—and more plausible—claim that Wedgwood represents a continuation of the German war approach. The Thirty Years’ War had a profound impact on Europe, and some of the consequences of this war can be seen in the changes that were made to European society. Another branch of the House of Habsburg ruled over Spain and its empire, which included the Spanish Netherlands, southern Italy, the Philippines, and most of the Americas. Throughout the Thirty Years there were two sorts of Alliances. The politics are obscure, the geographic landscape unfamiliar, and the personalities, with just a couple of exceptions are largely unknown. Most of the fighting took place in the Holy Roman Empire, although the war grew to include European powers outside of the Empire.What began as a local, religious conflict became more and more continental and political with each expanding phase of the war. WHERE? In the same year, Gabriel Bethlen, the Calvinist prince of Transylvania, died. The new European power would last for a hundred years before being overwhelmed by numerous enemies in the Great Northern War. The chaotic warfare led to a large number of casualties and devastated entire regions. One occurs in the first half of the 17th century and the other in the middle of the 18th century. This angered those who sought religious uniformity. They preferred the Protestant Frederick V, Elector of the Palatinate (successor of Frederick IV, the creator of the Protestant Union). Initially a war between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire, it gradually developed into a more general conflict involving most of the great powers. The Holy Roman Empire was a fragmented collection of largely independent states. This was a serious blow to Protestant ambitions in the region. Although the Peace of Augsburg created a temporary end to hostilities, it did not resolve the underlying religious conflict, which was made yet more complex by the spread of Calvinism throughout Germany in the years that followed. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Thirty Years War The Protestant Reformation brought about almost 150 years of religious conflict in Western Europe, despite efforts to ease tensions, such as the Peace of Augsburg in 1555. Thirty Years War is a new game designed by developer HQ covering one of the darkest ages of European history. Gustavus Adolphus knew that Wallenstein was waiting for the attack and was prepared, but found no other option. Most textbooks refer to two different series of events as the "Thirty Years' War. Show more " Germany as we understand it, unified and strong, only came into existence a mere 140 years ago. The Peace of Augsburg began to unravel—some converted bishops refused to give up their bishoprics, and certain Habsburg and other Catholic rulers of the Holy Roman Empire and Spain sought to restore the power of Catholicism in the region. During this time, and while Sweden was under a truce with Poland, Gustav established a military system that was to become the envy of Europe. Understand the origins of the Thirty Years’ War. Sweden had control of the Baltic. General recognition of the exclusive sovereignty of each party over its lands, people, and agents abroad, and responsibility for the warlike acts of any of its citizens or agents. But as literature for the general reader it sadly fails. Along with ending open warfare between the belligerents, the Peace of Westphalia established several important tenets and agreements: There were also several territorial adjustments brought about by the peace settlements. This made him highly unpopular in Protestant Bohemia. In addition to Habsburg lands, the Holy Roman Empire contained several regional powers, such as the Duchy of Bavaria, the Electorate of Saxony, the Margraviate of Brandenburg, the Electorate of the Palatinate, Landgraviate of Hesse, the Archbishopric of Trier, and the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg. It was started in 1618 by Ferdinand II, whose rise to the monarchy was marked by great dubiety on the part of his German Electors, among others. The Thirty Years’ War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. The Thirty Years' War was many decades in the making, and it ran… One of the results of the Protestant Reformation was the upheaval that spread throughout Europe in the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries. Ferdinand II may have feared that Wallenstein would switch sides, and arranged for his arrest after removing him from command. Thoroughly covering the … The United Netherlands was recognized as an independent republic. During the campaign, Sweden managed to conquer half of the imperial kingdoms, making it the continental leader of Protestantism until the Swedish Empire ended in 1721. This resulted in a Gordian tangle of alliances as princes and prelates called in foreign powers to aid them. The war began when the newly elected Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, tried to impose religious uniformity on his domains, forcing Roman Catholicism on its peoples. The armies of both sides plundered as they marched, leaving cities, towns, villages, and farms ravaged. Soldiers were to be rewarded for meritorious service. The member states of the Holy Roman Empire were granted full sovereignty. The Thirty Years' War was a conflict fought in modern Germany and Central Europe from 1618 to 1648. The Thirty Years' War had begun primarily as a German conflict over religious issues. In the case of the Thirty Years War, there is no question that Wilson has done his research and assembled what will be considered THE stand out overview of the war for a long time to come. After the Peace of Prague, the Swedes reorganized the Royal Army under Johan Banér and created a new one, the Army of the Weser, under the command of Alexander Leslie. The Thirty Years' Wars . The Thirty Years War that devastated large parts of Europe between 1618-1648, resulting in the deaths of up to two thirds of the population in the worst affected areas, was discussed extensively in history classes back when I was in high school but that I didn't remember much … King Gustav of Sweden: The victory of Gustavus Adolphus at the Battle of Breitenfeld (1631). The two Swedish armies combined and confronted the imperialists at the Battle of Wittstock. It was started in 1618 by Ferdinand II, whose rise to the monarchy was marked by great dubiety on the part of his German Electors, among others. I want to talk about the «Thirty Years War». A better question would be who DIDN'T take part. The position of the Holy Roman Emperor was mainly titular, but the emperors, from the House of Habsburg, also directly ruled a large portion of imperial territory (lands of the Archduchy of Austria and the Kingdom of Bohemia), as well as the Kingdom of Hungary. What originally commenced as a feud between the Protestant and the Catholic countries, within … Peace following the imperial victory at Stadtlohn proved short lived, with conflict resuming at the initiation of Denmark. While theses wars had multiple causes, religious issues were a … Barriers to trade and commerce erected during the war were also abolished, and a degree of free navigation was guaranteed on the Rhine. The Peace of Westphalia was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in the Westphalian cities of Osnabrück and Münster that ended the Thirty Years’ War. In the 17th century, religious beliefs and practices were a much larger influence on an average European. In July, he crossed the Baltic with 13,000 men, mostly native Swedes with a complement of Scottish and Irish mercenaries, but a puny force with which to take on the 100,000 soldiers of the Holy Roman Empire. The king-elect then sent two Catholic councillors (Vilem Slavata of Chlum and Jaroslav Borzita of Martinice) as his representatives to Hradčany castle in Prague in May 1618. List of every major Thirty Years' War battle, including photos, images, or maps of the most famous Thirty Years' War battles when available. The Peace of Westphalia established the precedent of peaces established by diplomatic congress, and a new system of political order in central Europe, later called Westphalian sovereignty, based upon the concept of co-existing sovereign states. Scotland and Scots were heavily entangled in both the diplomatic and military events centred on the Holy Roman Empire.There were a … The Thirty Years’ War was a dark page in European history that was associated with a remapping of the continent. During the Thirty Years' War of 1600s, a band of Protestant mercenaries peacefully coexist with German Catholic villagers in a hidden idyllic mountain valley untouched by war. The treaty also extended that tolerance to allow the minority religion of the territory to practice freely. Over the next four years, fighting continued, but all sides began to prepare for ending the war. Meanwhile, Sweden and Denmark, both Lutheran kingdoms, sought to assist the Protestant cause in the Empire, and wanted to gain political and economic influence there as well. This event, known as the Defenestration of Prague, started the Bohemian Revolt. The king of Sweden, Gustav II Adolph, had been well informed of the war between the Catholics and Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire for some time, but his hands were tied because of the constant enmity of Poland. The Russo-Polish Peace of Polyanov in 1634 ended Poland’s claim to the tsarist throne but freed Poland to resume hostilities against its Baltic archenemy, Sweden, which was now deeply embroiled in Germany. The ancient notion of a Roman Catholic empire of Europe, headed spiritually by a pope and temporally by an emperor, was permanently abandoned, and the essential structure of modern Europe as a community of sovereign states was established. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Series New York Review Books classics. Spain had lost not only the Netherlands but its dominant position in western Europe. In 1625 King Christian IV of Denmark saw an opportunity to gain valuable territory in Germany to balance his earlier loss of Baltic provinces to Sweden. With news of the outcome reaching Frederick V of the Palatinate, the king was forced to sign an armistice with Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II, thus ending the “Palatine Phase” of the Thirty Years’ War. Gustav was concerned about the growing power of the Holy Roman Empire, and like Christian IV before him, was heavily subsidized by Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister of Louis XIII of France, and by the Dutch. During the Thirty Years' War of 1600s, a band of Protestant mercenaries peacefully coexist with German Catholic villagers in a hidden idyllic mountain valley untouched by war. This protected the Lutheran rulers of northeastern Germany, but not those of the south and west. Identify the reasons why France was invested in the events of the Thirty Years’ War. In 1555, the Peace of Augsburg had settled religious disputes in the Holy Roman Empire by enshrining the principle of Cuius regio, eius religio, allowing a prince to determine the religion of his subjects. For example, the independence of Switzerland from the empire was formally recognized. Two Roman Catholic armies, the emperor’s and the League’s, converged on the kingdom, routing Frederick at the White Mountain in November 1620 and replacing the regime of the estates in Bohemia…, In 1620, following the defeat of Frederick V (the elector palatine, or prince, from the Rhineland who had accepted the crown of Bohemia when it was offered to him in 1618) and the Bohemians, Spanish troops from the Netherlands entered the “Winter…. 4. Bernhard’s victory in the Battle of Compiègne pushed the Habsburg armies back towards the borders of France. The experiences of the Thirty Years War were instrumental in bringing this about; standing armies were exceptional in 1600 but commonplace within a century. Christian, who knew nothing of Wallenstein’s forces when he invaded, was forced to retire before the combined forces of Wallenstein and Tilly. Ferdinand II was a devout Roman Catholic and relatively intolerant when compared to his predecessor, Rudolf II. In some areas of Germany, it has been suggested that up to 60% of the population died. Ferdinand was a proponent of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, and not well-disposed to Protestantism or Bohemian freedoms. While theses wars had multiple causes, religious issues were a leading factor. Ferdinand II: Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia, whose aim, as a zealous Catholic, was to restore Catholicism as the only religion in the empire and suppress Protestantism, and whose actions helped precipitate the Thirty Years’ War. The war originated with dual crises at the continent’s centre: one in the Rhineland and the other in Bohemia, both part of the Holy Roman Empire.…, The Bohemian problem was resolved swiftly. After this catastrophe, Frederick V, already in exile in The Hague, and under growing pressure from his father-in-law, James I, to end his involvement in the war, was forced to abandon any hope of launching further campaigns. The end of the Thirty Years’ War was not brought about by one treaty, but instead by a group of treaties, collectively named the Peace of Westphalia. 1. Ferdinand won after a five-year struggle. 2. By 1618, Europe was drifting into the generalized crisis that became the Thirty Years’ War. Cuius regio, eius religio Pope Urban VIII 3. Thus, in the following two years, the Catholic powers subjugated more land. Swedish forces entered the Holy Roman Empire via the Duchy of Pomerania, which had served as the Swedish bridgehead since the Treaty of Stettin (1630). You must be certain that you do not confuse these … Corrections? Updates? These treaties ended both the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) in the Holy Roman Empire and the Eighty Years’ War (1568–1648) between Spain and the Dutch Republic, with Spain formally recognizing the independence of the Dutch Republic. Describe the events surrounding the Defenestration of Prague. The Bohemian Revolt (1618–1620) was an uprising of the Bohemian estates against the rule of the Habsburg dynasty, in particular Emperor Ferdinand II, which triggered the Thirty Years’ War. The end of the war was not brought about by one treaty, but instead by a group of treaties, collectively named the Peace of Westphalia. After the Swedish rout at Nördlingen in September 1634 and the Peace of Prague in 1635, in which the Protestant German princes sued for peace with the German emperor, Sweden’s ability to continue the war alone appeared doubtful, and Richelieu made the decision to enter into direct war against the Habsburgs. During the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), organic flexibility was one of the basic characteristics of the armies of the Spanish Monarchy, as it had been in the previous century. Gustavus Adolphus allied with France and Bavaria. However, the war reached a climax and the tide of the war turned clearly toward France and against Spain in 1640, starting with the siege and capture of the fort at Arras. By 1617, it was apparent that Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia, would die without an heir, with his lands going to his nearest male relative, his cousin Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria, heir-apparent and Crown Prince of Bohemia. The Thirty Years War (London, 1984), xv, makes the opposite—and more plausible—claim that Wedgwood represents a continuation of the German war approach. Despite the odds being stacked against them, the Swedish army won. http://www.tomrichey.netThe Thirty Years' War was fought from 1618-1648 (Thirty Years!) By the spring of 1635, all Swedish resistance in the south of Germany had ended. The Thirty Years War — 10 Key Facts About the 17th Century Conflict That Transformed Europe 1. In 1648, the Swedes and the French defeated the imperial army at the Battle of Zusmarshausen, and the Spanish at Lens, and later won the Battle of Prague, which became the last action of the Thirty Years’ War. The dispute culminated after several battles in the final Battle of White Mountain, where the Protestants suffered a decisive defeat. By Anastacia Sampson. Although the majority of Germany suffered from famine and economic ruin, there were regions that came out of the war … All parties would recognize the Peace of Augsburg of 1555, in which each prince would have the right to determine the religion of his own state, the options being Catholicism, Lutheranism, and now Calvinism. At the Battle of Breitenfeld (1631), Gustavus Adolphus’s forces defeated the Catholic League led by Tilly. Poland, having been drawn in as a Baltic power coveted by Sweden, pushed its own ambitions by attacking Russia and establishing a dictatorship in Moscow under Władysław, Poland’s future king. The Peace established the principle Cuius regio, eius religio (“Whose realm, his religion”), which allowed Holy Roman Empire state princes to select either Lutheranism or Catholicism within the domains they controlled, ultimately reaffirming the independence they had over their states. Then, the tide began to turn for the French. The king of Sweden, Gustav Adolph, had been well informed of the war between the Catholics and Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire for some time, but did not get involved because of an ongoing conflict with Poland. Lut… Denmark was funded by tolls on the Oresund and also by extensive war reparations from Sweden. Tercios were, above all, groups of a number of companies that could be attached or detached at all times. Eventually, however, it came to involve political control and territory as well. While Sweden was under a truce with Poland, Gustav reformed the Swedish military, leading to an army that became the model for all of Europe. Christians living in principalities where their denomination was not the established church were guaranteed the right to practice their faith in public during allotted hours and in private at their will. The Swedish intervention in the Thirty Years’ War, when King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden ordered a full-scale invasion of the Catholic states, was a major turning point of the war. After the death of Matthias in 1619, Ferdinand II was elected Holy Roman Emperor. Why is it difficult to pinpoint the end of the Protestant Reformation? Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Thirty Years War , THE.—The Thirty Years War (1618-48), though preeminently a German war, was also of great importance for the history of the whole of Europe, not only because nearly all the countries of Western Europe took part in it, but also on account of its connection with the other great European wars of the same era and on account of its final results. The Thirty Years' War was fought from 1618 until 1648. Frederick was forced to sign an armistice with Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II, thus ending the “Palatine Phase” of the Thirty Years’ War. Immediately after the defenestration, the Protestant estates and Catholic Habsburgs started gathering allies for war. After the Defenestration of Prague and the ensuing Bohemian Revolt, the Protestants warred with the Catholic League until the former were firmly defeated at the Battle of Stadtlohn in 1623. Christian IV of Denmark: Christian IV receives homage from the countries of Europe as mediator in the Thirty Years’ War. The range of confessions in Germany, 1650, as a result of the Thirty Years' War. 7 S.H. The Polish royal family, the primary branch of the House of Vasa, had once claimed the throne of Sweden. For full treatment, see Europe, history of: The Thirty Years’ War. For three decades we have combated hypocrisy, ignorance, tyranny, poverty, cliche, deceit and celebrity nonsense. The aim of this paper is to outline the main themes of Wiesner-Hanks’ discussion of the war. This added a third major faith to the region, but its position was not recognized in any way by the Augsburg terms, to which only Catholicism and Lutheranism were parties. This became known as the first battle in the Thirty Years’ War. In some areas in Europe, especially in Germany, the Thirty Years War had a devastating impact. The general Hans Christoff von Königsmarck, commanding Sweden’s flying column, entered the city and captured Prague Castle (where the event that triggered the war—the Defenestration of Prague—had taken place thirty years before). Great northern War purges of Catholicism territory was purloined by Protestant forces and purges of.... Became known as the first half of Germany, which had powerful foreign allies, bishoprics... //Www.Tomrichey.Netthe Thirty Years ’ War follows Stadtlohn proved short lived ; the duchy. 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