Rotary Youth Exchange is a study-abroad opportunity for young people who spend anywhere from a few weeks to a full year as an international student hosted by local Rotary clubs. Rotary volunteers work to ensure the safety of exchange students throughout the exchange Up to 20 Countries Currently Participating Countries: Japan, Taiwan, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia and Poland $20,000 Scholarship* Rotary has been organising youth exchanges for over 60 years, providing incredible opportunities for young people to see the world, experience a different way of life, maybe learn another language, make international friends and discover a lot about themselves whilst … Contact Us Now. Rochester Rotary is pleased to promote the Rotary Youth Exchange Programs to our local high school students. Central States Rotary Youth Exchange is a multi district program for Inbounds that includes seventeen Districts in the Great Lakes area that include the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, part of Minnesota and the southern part of Ontario, Canada. “We wrote to Rotary International and asked permission to market it as a program to develop young leaders — exchange included,” she says. ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE . How you’ll grow . Rotary Youth Exchange - Rotary District 7930. The safety of our students is of paramount importance. Austauschschüler erweitern ihren persönlichen Horizont und ihr Potential durch: Langfristige Austausche dauern ein akademisches Jahr, Schüler sind bei verschiedenen Gastfamilien untergebracht. Whether you participate in Rotary’s Long-Term or Short-Term Youth Exchange Programs, you’ll learn a new way of living, a great deal about yourself, and maybe even a new language. Each year thousands of young people worldwide are given an opportunity to experience the cultures and accomplishments of people in other countries. Taha wanted to change how the program in District 4710 was structured, and she got the chance when she became Rotary Youth Exchange co-chair for the district. The program offers numerous benefits to its young participants and their Rotarian hosts and mentors, as well as to the community at large. As their concept of the world expands, they mature and develop a deeper understanding of themselves. Das habe ich nun gelernt und mehr Selbstvertrauen gewonnen.”, Varda Shah, Jugendaustauschteilnehmerin aus Indien, “Es war fantastisch, nach 50 Jahren wieder mit meinen Klassenkameraden und Gastfamilien zusammenzutreffen. The Rotary Youth Exchange program offers numerous benefits to its young participants and their Rotarian hosts and mentors, as well as to the community at large. Hosting an exchange student can be an incredibly rewarding experience for your family. Each program varies, but students are usually responsible for: Candidates are ages 15-19 and are leaders in their schools and communities. The objectives of the Rotary Youth Exchange program include: • Instilling international understanding and goodwill in students • Creating positive change by empowering youth • Making lasting connections for host clubs, host families, Doing something bigger than yourself, it humbles you.”, Joel Jackson, former Youth Exchange student from Australia, “Before, I would never be able to make a conversation with a person I didn’t know. The Rotary Youth Exchange Program costs MUCH LESS than other programs. Rotary Youth Exchange provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to meet people from other countries and to experience their cultures, thus promoting international understanding and peace. I was very sheltered. Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. By sharing your own culture and embracing a new one, you help foster global understanding—and learn a great deal about yourself and your home country in the process. By Rotary International’s Youth Exchange and Youth Protection staff. Each year, thousands of young people from around the world make the journey to another land and live for a year in the homes of host families selected by local Rotary Clubs. But the collaboration with Rotary didn’t begin in earnest until Vicki Dilley, a Rotarian in Northfield, Minn., who is also a returned Peace Corps volunteer, came on board as director. Age: High School Students ages 15 to 18 . Rotary Youth Exchange builds peace one young person at a time. The Rotary Youth Exchange is an International exchange for young people between the ages of 15 and 18. … Rotary Youth Exchange inspires young leaders to serve as catalysts for peace and social justice in their local communities and throughout the world, long after their exchanges end. Rotary Youth Exchange is the opportunity of a lifetime. Prime Sponsor: Rotary Club of Cochrane and Rotary District 5360 . Rotary Youth Exchange is part of the global network of Rotary International; made up of 1.2 million business and professional leaders in more than 33,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. This program is possible because of the dedication, leadership, and passion of the tens of thousands of volunteers — Rotary members and nonmembers alike — who make this unique program so successful. Kurzaustausche reichen von ein paar Tagen bis zu drei Monaten und sind oft als Camps, Touren oder Privataufenthalte außerhalb der Schulzeit konzipiert. The Rotary Youth Exchange Program Um Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Talente zu entfalten und neue Kulturen kennenzulernen, bieten wir verschiedene Clubs und Programme für Jugendliche von 15 bis 19 Jahren an - und das in über 100 Ländern der Erde. Privacy Policy Programm Neben Hauptsitzungen bieten interaktive Workshops die Gelegenheit zum Wiedersehen, Kennenlernen und Austausch. “Being confronted with different cultures at such an early time in my life strengthened my ability to have empathy for others,” he says. Youth Exchange Handbook; Guide for Exchange Students; Guide for Host Families; Link to South Central Rotary Youth Exchange (SCRYE) at Show search menu. Make peace in the world, one student at a time. Rotary Youth Exchange Ambassadors receive a scholarship in tuition, room & board and spending allowance. Datenschutz © 2019 Rotary International. All rights reserved. The programme is ideal for students aged between 16 and 18 ½, who are intent on becoming fluent in another language, learning a new culture on an intimate basis with 3-4 different host families and being an ambassador for their country. It is an opportunity for students to immerse themselves, for a short period of time, in a foreign culture, learning the language, and acting as an ambassador for Rotary overseas. QUICK CONTACT FORM. Rotary Youth Exchange provides a unique opportunity to experience first-hand the many cultures of a different country and a new way of life. I have become more open, more mature.”, Varda Shah, former Youth Exchange student from India, “To meet up with my classmates and host families after 50 years has been simply amazing. Our Rotary International Zone 28 & 32; District 7070 Rotary Clubs and Charter Years; Our District 7070 Past District Governors; Rotary International Strategic Plan 2019-24. The Counselor, provides guidance to the student and is available as a contact for the student. . The Rotary Youth Exchange program provides thousands of young students with the opportunity to meet people from other countries and to experience new cultures, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding. It is an opportunity for students to immerse themselves, for a short period of time, in a foreign culture, learning the language, and acting as an ambassador for Rotary overseas. Typically, students are sent to another country for a year-long stay, generally living with multiple host families during the year and being expected to perform daily tasks within the household as well as atten… Work Hard! It has inspired her to choose Youth Programs as one of her focuses for her Rotary Presidency. “Youth Exchange taught me to follow my passions.” Read more stories of How Rotary Youth Exchange changed my life. This website contains information for participants and volunteers involved in the programs. Rotary is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants in its programs, including Youth Exchange. Je nach Programm müssen Schüler selbst aufkommen für: Kandidaten sind zwischen 15 und 19 Jahre alt und haben sich bereits in der Schule profiliert. You'll spend up to 12 months living and studying in a foreign country, learning a lot about yourself and the culture of your adopted host families. Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is a Rotary International student exchange program for students in secondary school. Eligibility for Student Exchange Program. Angebote. Our Rotary District is geographically centered by the Denver-metro area and extends along the I-25 corridor from Mead to Castle Rock and extends from Summit County and Grand County in the west to Fort Morgan and Brush in the east. By sharing your own culture & embracing a new one, you help foster global understanding—& learn a great deal about yourself & your country in the process. Dates: August to July the following year . Um eine möglichst optimale Vorbereitung zu gewährleisten, organisiert Rotary auf den einzelnen Distriktebenen eine Vielzahl von Seminaren und Schulungen. Teil von so etwas Großartigem sein zu können, macht einen bescheiden.”, Joel Jackson, Jugendaustauschteilnehmer aus Australien, “Früher hätte ich nie den Mut gehabt, auf jemanden zuzugehen und ein Gespräch zu beginnen. Youth Exchange The enthusiastic host family For Mother’s Day this year, Melody St. John’s husband, Paul, himself a member of the Rotary Club of Los Angeles, organized a virtual get-together with 20 people — all former Rotary Youth Exchange students who have stayed with the couple in their Los Angeles home. The Rotary Youth Exchange Long-Term Programme. The Youth Exchange Program involves more dollars being spent than any other program in Rotary International except for PolioPlus. Recent RI studies estimate that more than $42 million annually is spent on the Youth Exchange Program by parents, clubs and districts, with very little funding flowing through RI. Through Rotary Youth Exchange I had such a precious chance and a fabulous experience. This is the internal website of the Multi-Districts Youth Exchange Committee (MDJC) of Rotary in The Netherlands. Short-term exchanges last from several days to three months and are often structured as camps, tours, or homestays that take place when school is not in session. Dilley is also deeply involved in the North Star Youth Exchange , which is run by districts 5950 and 5960 (Minnesota and Wisconsin). Rotary has had one of the most successful and effective Youth Exchange programs in the world for many years. Even so, our Youth Exchange process is ongoing, and is closely monitored on a daily basis with our exchange partners around the world. Die Förderung der Jugend gehört zu den … Short Term Youth Exchange. Youth Exchange Patrick Hache, LT going to Belgium, Guilherme Pontes, LT visiting from Brazil, Emily McCloskey, ST going to Italy and Farrah McGraw, LT going to Spain The Rotary Club of Miramichi through District 7810 offers students ages 15 – 18 the opportunity to take part in either a short term or long term exchange to another country. This is due to the fact that the program is made up largely of volunteers. Qualified applicants must be between 15-19 at the time of their departure, must be sponsored by a local Rotary club, and must complete a written application. Exchange students unlock their true potential to: Long-term exchanges last a full academic year, and students attend local schools and live with multiple host families. Rotary Youth Exchange and Covid-19 The Coronavirus pandemic has created turmoil throughout the world. Exchanges for students ages 15-19 are sponsored by Rotary clubs in more than 100 countries. The exchange is for a 12 month period during which time the student is hosted by three or four families, experiencing different lifestyles. Anmeldeschluss: 31. Besides Youth Exchange, Rotary clubs sponsor youth service clubs and offer career development and mentoring programs. Rotary's goal is to promote world understanding one person at the time. CLARION - Clarion Rotary Club is looking for Clarion County host families to participate in its youth exchange program for the 2021-2022 school year. Currently, about 9,000 students are sponsored by Rotary clubs every year. It is hoped that exchanges will recommence for the 2022 year Send expressions of … Scholarship recipients spend one full school year attending high school in another country. High School. Nutzungsbedingungen, Kontaktieren Sie Ihren örtlichen Rotary Club, Aufbau dauernder Freundschaften mit jungen Menschen aus aller Welt, Entwicklung einer globalen Sichtweise und Perspektive. Compare this to AFS or YFU (Youth for Understanding) or other programs. Rotary Youth Exchange is one of the least expensive international exchange programs open to high school-aged students. Since 1929, Rotary International has sent young people around the globe to experience new cultures. Thank you.”, Yoko Sekimoto, the first Youth Exchange student from Japan, 650 students broaden horizons through Rotary exchange program. Der Rotary Jugenddienst bietet Dir diese Erfahrung. Our Mission - Have Fun! One Youth Exchange Officer, who provides assistance to the student in completing the required paperwork and oversees the program for the club. News & Features(down arrow opens sub-menu)>. Pfrogner says his experience with Rotary Youth Exchange was pivotal. Because volunteers in Rotary clubs and districts administer the Rotary Youth Exchange program, you will not have to pay fees to an agency to arrange an exchange. 650 Schüler erweitern ihren Horizont durch das Rotary-Austauschprogramm, © 2019 Rotary International. “I was 17 when I went to South Africa. This website contains information for participants and volunteers involved in the programs. New Generations Service Exchange. Whether you are a student interested in making an exchange, a potential host family for a youth exchange visitor, an interested community member or a volunteer in the Rotary Youth Exchange … Her Rotary Youth Exchange experience in South Africa in 1998-99 inspired her to study political science and international relations. *Long-Term Program* Host an Exchange Student! Be a Rotary Ambassador! I n 1997, at 17 years old, I spent a year living and learning in Tokyo, Japan, as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student.. Host families provide room and board and share their lives with exchange students, involving them in family, community, and cultural activities. I had never been on an airplane, I spoke no other languages, I had grown up in a small town in Canada. Dear Friends in Youth Exchange, Jakob Volther EEMA President 2018- 2020 Lucien Perlitius EEMA Vice-President 2018- 2020 It is a great honor to welcome you at the 68 th EEMA Conference in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Regardless of your choice, the Rotary Youth Exchange study abroad program will be one of your greatest lifetime experiences. A s the world faces extraordinary challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Rotary Youth Exchange students worldwide are facing unique challenges of their own. Through Youth Exchange, students learn firsthand about all aspects of life in another country. Rotary at a Glance . Are you interested in participating in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program? As a general rule, the exchange costs in the neighborhood of $5000 - $6000 total.excluding any Rotary trips that are offered. For the 67 th EEMA conference in 2019 in Valencia Past … Hosting a Rotary exchange student is a rewarding opportunity to welcome a high school student from a … You’ll also be an ambassador, teaching people you meet about your country, culture, and ideas. During your exchange you'll learn a lot about yourself, the culture of your adopted host families and the diversity of your host country. The program began in the 1920s, but took off after World War II. Um Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Talente zu entfalten und neue Kulturen kennenzulernen, bieten wir verschiedene Clubs und Programme für Jugendliche von 15 bis 19 Jahren an - und das in über 100 Ländern der Erde. What is Rotary Youth Exchange . My Rotary Show navigation menu Show search form. Kids and families make life-long friendships with other families, Rotarians and fellow Exchange students, helping to build goodwill and understanding between countries. Sie kommen hier zu einem gegenseitigen Ideenaustausch zusammen, und um gemeinsame Initiativen für die Zukunft zu planen. Rotary Youth Exchange Australia. 2 talking about this. The Rotary Youth Exchange program is a low-cost scholarship program tailor-made for you. Participants and volunteers involved in the 1920s, but students are sponsored by Rotary clubs every year sponsors. Month period during which time the student in completing the required paperwork and oversees the program offers numerous benefits its! Come to Vernon from other countries for your family another country Touren oder Privataufenthalte der. Ambassador, teaching people you meet about your country, culture, and truly become global.. Lands and to experience new cultures kontaktieren sie ihren örtlichen Rotary Club is looking Clarion... 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