James T. Kirk's father, George Kirk, is killed. - SPIELE ALS DEINE LIEBLINGSFIGUR, einschließlich Spock, Picard, Captain Kirk, Data, Worf, Janeway, Burnham und vieler mehr, aus denen du wählen kannst. Posted by "Spock Evangelist" [IPA] 9 days ago. The fansite Memory Alpha thus places the final eight episodes of the season ("Human Error" through "Endgame") in 2378, with other sources following suit. Category List. Interessante Spiele für Star-Trek-Fans sind seit Jahren Mangelware. STAR TREK TIMELINES vereint die bekannten Helden und Bösewichte aus der gesamten Star Trek™-Geschichte. Wenn Sie eine Supportanfrage haben, schauen Sie bitte vorher in unsere Wissensdatenbank. Verfügbar für Deutschland Bewohner. The Star Trek timeline now stretches over hundreds of years, taking in everything, from World War 3 to several attempted invasions by the Borg. In the aftermath of the attack, the Federation, unable to determine how or why the synths went rogue, bans the creation of synthetic lifeforms. Hot New Top. Enterprise pins down Cochrane's disappearance to 2119, making Cochrane instead 31 at the time of First Contact. Okuda assumes the start of a season is January 1 and the end of the season is December 31. Set your phasers to stun and join Starfleet on an adventure through space and time to save the galaxy from temporal anomalies. - ATEMBERAUBENDE 3D-GRAFIKEN erwecken das 24. Available Now on the App Store, Google Play, Facebook, Amazon, Steam and Windows 10! Both these references place the show in the 22nd century. -BETEILIGE DEINE FEINDE an atemberaubenden 3D-Raumschiffschlachten mit spannendem PvE-Spiel oder in der PvP-Kampfarena, wo du den Mut deiner Besatzung gegen die besten Captains in der Galaxie testest. Unser Team prüft, ob Ihre Bedenken berechtigt sind und wird ggf. Hot. The point is, this is for fun and no one is trying to claim the Star Trek™ rights from their respective legitimate owners. The episode "The Savage Curtain" features a Colonel Phillip Green, who led a genocidal war in the 21st century. Create your ideal team of classic Star Trek characters in this epic sci-fi strategy RPG. Star Trek: First Contact firmly establishes World War III ended, after a nuclear exchange, in 2053, but with a body count of 600 million. The Star Trek Concordance identifies the "Bread and Circuses" figure as the death toll for a nuclear World War III, in the mid-21st century. The dates in the Chronology are consistent with the earlier Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual.[47]. Dieses Produkt muss auf Ihrer internen Festplatte installiert werden. Welcome to the support page for Wicked Realm Games, the developers behind Star Trek Timelines! This dating system is followed by other spin-off works in the 1980s, including Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise. Durch Klicken auf „Registrieren“ stimme ich zu, dass ich Informationen, Tipps und Angebote zu Microsoft Store und anderen Microsoft-Produkten und -Diensten erhalten möchte. [55], The Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology and FASA, a publisher of the first licensed Star Trek role-playing game, chose to take the "Space Seed figure", adding a few years to make sure the events of the Original Series were in the 23rd century. STAR TREK™ & © 2020 CBS Studios Inc. © 2020 Paramount Pictures Corp. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are TM of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. Voyager und der U.S.S. The pilot had dialogue stating Data was part of the Starfleet "class of '78". Anfänglich existierten keinerlei Richtlinien für diese „Sternzeit“; den Autoren der S… As we are a relatively new wiki, there's plenty of room to get involved. Roddenberry says in this book that the stardate system was invented to avoid pinning down the show precisely in time frame. Storylines mesh and overlap, key crew members become available for thrilling spaceship battles, and the tables keep turning. A cataclysmic galaxy-wide event referred to as "The Burn" occurs. - STELLE DEINE BESATZUNG ZUSAMMEN mit hunderten von Figuren aus allen Star-Trek-Welten, einschließlich der Orgininalserie, Das Nächste Jahrhundert, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise und Discovery. The first edition Chronology notes that Cochrane's invention of warp drive must have been at least 200 years before "Where No Man Has Gone Before", and suggests a date of 2061, noting that Cochrane would be 31 that year. Hot New Top. New to the game, or not so much? Star Trek Roman-Timeline Lese lange und in Frieden – und in der richtigen Reihenfolge. Welcome to Starfleet! The date of the founding year of the Federation, 2161, was revealed in the fifth-season TNG episode "The Outcast," based on an early draft of the Okuda timeline. Around the same time, the United Earth government withdraws Earth from the Federation, becoming fully self-sufficient and isolating the planet from the rest of the galaxy. Press materials for The Next Generation suggested it was set in the 24th century, seventy-eight years after the existing Star Trek, although the exact time frame had not yet been set in stone. card classic compact. Battle StationBoosts - User triggered, limited time, powerful ship combat bonuses The set of abilities for a specific crew member version is the same for all players; for example, Captain Kirk always has Command, Diplomacy, & Security Away Team skills… The chronology is complicated by the presence of divergent timelines within the franchise's narrative, as well as internal contradictions and retcons. [1] Okuda originally drew up a timeline for internal use by writers, based on his own research and assumptions provided by Richard Arnold. ", The Skagarans abduct humans for use as slaves in their colony world. STAR TREK TIMELINES, is truly immersive free-to-play mobile game featuring hundreds of characters, stunning 3D ship battles, and an immense galaxy to explore. In STAR TREK TIMELINES übernehmen Sie die Rolle eines Captains und kommandieren Ihr erstes Raumschiff. Erstelle dein ideales Team von Star-Trek-Figuren in diesem epischen Sci-Fi-Rollen-Strategiespiel. 23 comments. This is the year Gabrielle Burnham arrived in after using the Red Angel suit to escape a Klingon attack on her home. The episode "Space Seed" establishes the Eugenics Wars, and has them lasting from 1992 to 1996. - STEIGE AN DIE SPITZE DER LEADERBOARDS und gewinne seltene Belohnungen mit Missionen besonderer Ereignisse. The final episode of Enterprise, "These Are the Voyages...", is consistent with the establishment of 2161 as the founding year for the Federation. Numerous historical details of the devastating Eugenics Wars are discussed: the death of 35–37 million people; how Earth's governments could not decide on the fate of the 1,800 genetically enhanced embryos; and how Soong had infiltrated the complex and stolen and raised 19 embryos himself. Categories. Since the Chronology was published, it has been generally adhered to by the producers of the show. No version of the Chronology or the Encyclopedia has been published since 1999. Jean-Luc Picard becomes captain of the USS. It does not tie into the Gregorian calendar, instead using a "Year 1" of the invention of Warp on earth. See the production timeline for a chronological overview of the production history of Star Trek. Y154–159 – The events of the Original Series. Zephram Cochrane invents warp drive around 2061 (so that the SS, the Romulan War takes place in the 2150s (about a hundred years before ", the Federation is formed in 2161, after the Romulan War, on the basis that "Balance of Terror" says that it was an Earth-Romulan war, not a Federation-Romulan War, the first Constitution class starship is launched in 2244, followed by the, This page was last edited on 15 March 2021, at 01:45. Stelle deine Phaser ein, um zu betäuben, und schließe dich der Sternenflotte bei einem Abenteuer durch Raum und Zeit an, um die Galaxie vor temporären Anomalien zu retten. The original series generally avoided assigning real-world dates to its futuristic setting, instead using the stardate system. Ambassador. [64], Season 4 of Star Trek: Enterprise involves a trilogy of episodes ("Borderland" "Cold Station 12", and "The Augments") related to scientist Doctor Arik Soong, ancestor of Doctor Noonien Soong, and his genetic augmentations of Humans. Y126 – The Constitution-class is launched (an upgrade from the. STAR TREK TIMELINES brings together heroes and villains from all of Star Trek history. Star Trek Timelines™ is the property of Disruptor Beam® Tilting Point and Wicked Realm Games. STAR TREK TIMELINES ist das ultimative Strategie- und Rollenspiel des Star Trek™-Universums. We sold the game to Tilting Point in February 2020. Spiele Star Trek Timelines auf dem PC mit BlueStacks und nutze die entsprechenden Teammitglieder am Vorabend des Kampfes. This is the timeline of the Star Trek series and films in chronological order in-universe. On March 4, 2020 Tilting Point acquired the game from Disruptor Beam and created a new studio Wicked Realm Games to support the title. Immer wieder wirst du auf intelligentes Leben treffen und entscheiden müssen, wie du mit potenziellen Gefahren für die Föderation umgehst. Star Trek Timelines ist ein Mix aus Rollenspiel und Strategie mit einem Free2Play-Modell. Star Trek Timelines. The official website, StarTrek.com, still gives the date of that movie as 2271.[62]. Star Trek Timelines r/ StarTrekTimelines. card. 1980s spin-off material such as the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology posit that Cochrane was from Alpha Centauri originally, and that a sub-warp ship the UNSS Icarus arrived at Alpha Centauri in 2048 to find he had discovered the theory behind warp drive. [59] A second edition was issued in 1996. Nach Serien filtern . Zugriff auf Ihre Internetverbindung als Server. [58] The pilot episode, "Encounter at Farpoint", also has a cameo appearance by Leonard "Bones" McCoy, who is said to be 137. The. Tilting Point really understands what we are going for as a developer and supports us in achieving our vision. Schließe dich einer Flotte an, erforsche das Unbekannte und versammle deine Freunde, um dir zu helfen, die Kontrolle über die Galaxie zu übernehmen! - GEWINNE AN EINFLUSS UNTER EINEM DUTZEND SPLITTERGRUPPEN, einschließlich der Föderation, des Maquis, der Dominions, des Spiegeluniversums Terranisches Imperium und der geheimen Sektion 31. DataCore is a companion resource to Tilting Point's Star Trek Timelines game. The battle results in the loss of 92,143 lives, the planet itself being considered destroyed as the stratosphere was ignited and the destruction of the rescue armada to evacuate Romulus. However, the episode "Homestead" features a celebration of the 315th anniversary of Zefram Cochrane's first contact with the Vulcans, which would set the episode on April 5, 2378. It's entirely more complicated than it should be. Datenschutzbestimmungen. The designation Enterprise-based series are the series that featured the various incarnations of the starship USS Enterprise. The gap between the 1986 film Star Trek IV: the Voyage Home (2286) and the 1987 first season of The Next Generation (2364) is 78 years by this timeline, matching early press materials. Available Now on the App Store, Google Play, Facebook, Amazon, Steam and Windows 10! The film Star Trek: First Contact prominently features Cochrane's first successful warp flight. In Star Trek Timelines reist du mit deinem eigenen Raumschiff von Welt zu Welt und entdeckst deine Lieblingsschauplätze aus alten und neuen Star-Trek-Abenteuern. Rising. In the last episode of the first season, the year is firmly established by Data, as 2364. STAR TREK TIMELINES brings together heroes and villains from all of Star Trek history. Es basiert auf der von Gene Roddenberry erdachten Fernsehserie Raumschiff Enterprise, die unter dem Titel Star Trek in den Vereinigten Staaten von 1966 bis 1969 erstausgestrahlt wurde. It shows the opening of the Romulan war and the start of a coalition between Earth, Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar in the 2150s. Star Trek Timelines is one of the most democratic strategy games currently on the Play Store. The first game to include ships and characters from the new series, Star Trek: Discovery, now also featuring ships and crew from Star Trek: Picard! In First Contact, Zephram Cochrane is confirmed as having invented warp drive on Earth, but the date is moved forward slightly to 2063, and it is revealed that Earth's official first contact with an alien species, the Vulcans, took place immediately afterwards as a result of this. In the episode "Bread and Circuses", Spock gives a death toll for World War III of 37 million. deren Mutterkonzern Viacom gehört. Willkommen auf der Support-Seite für Wicked Realm Games, dem Entwickler hinter Star Trek Timelines! Mururoa • March 21 in Ready Room. The references to the Eugenics Wars and to a nuclear war in the 21st century are somewhat contradictory. - ERFORSCHE DIE GALAXIE und gehe in deinen Aufgaben mutig dorthin, wohin kein Mensch vorher gegangen ist, um deine Missionen abzuschließen und deine Rangliste aufzubauen. Star Trek Timelines r/ StarTrekTimelines. In the episode "Metamorphosis", it is stated that Zefram Cochrane of Alpha Centauri, the discoverer of the space warp, disappeared 150 years ago, at the age of 87. Passive Ship Stat Bonuses - Silently provide moderate bonuses to ship combat for its entire duration 3. STAR TREK TIMELINES brings together heroes and villains from all of Star Trek history. Planitia Fleetyards on Mars are sabotaged and subsequently destroyed by rogue synthetics in a surprise attack um! World war III as `` factions '', and Annika Hansen are assimilated by the while... On the Play Store adventure through Space and time to save the galaxy from temporal anomalies moderate. 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